Today our campers woke up excited for their last pool day at Camp. But first, they had English classes.
The Rabbits started the lesson with the Stop game, where they are given a letter and have to write words beginning with that letter in the categories of animals, food, objects and countries. The students lived up to the challenge. After that, we reviewed vocabulary on plants and tools found in the garden and practiced them with many different games.
The Ducklings started their lesson by reviewing all the vocabulary they have learnt thus far. They did this by playing a blind drawing game where students drew pictures without looking and their partners would have to guess the vocabulary word. Then, we started a new unit on space. They loved talking about the words they already knew and did a trivia game using superlatives to answer questions on which planets are the biggest, smallest, hottest, coldest, etc. Finally, everyone began outlining their ideas for the 3D Solar System model, which will be constructed in the next class.

The Chipmunks reviewed farm animals by repeating their names and respective sounds. Then, they learnt about prepositions of place (on, next to, between, in front of, behind, etc). After this, to reinforce the lesson, they played a game by placing their bodies or other objects according to the directions given by the teacher.

After a short break, the students got ready for their second and last day at the swimming pool. Our brave campers were quite comfortable and spent most of the afternoon splashing around with their friends. When they weren’t in the water our campers spent their time playing chess, connect four and dobble in the shade. They even got the chance to challenge themselves by trying out slacklining!

When we came back to the farm, the children had a shower and time to relax. After a dinner of vegetable pureé and fish with potatoes followed by oranges, the children changed into pyjamas and continued their cinema night.
Tomorrow is the last day of English classes, full of opportunities to learn more new vocabulary and put it into practice with their friends!